Effort and Imagination

It also takes effort to plan, to think, and to imagine.  These activities transport us into the Vision Drive, which combines the motion factors of Space, Time, and Flow.  This is the Weight-less drive.

Of all the drives, Vision is the one most related to mental activities.  When embodying this weightless drive, the mover slips the bonds of gravity and is free to soar on the wings of imagination.  It is no longer necessary to stay grounded in the here and now.  One can travel freely through time and space, taking the body-mind on a virtual vacation.

Combinations of Space, Time, and Flow in Vision Drive vary between sudden insight, letting the mind wander, prolonged attentiveness, casual consideration, and many more nuanced mental states of the body-mind.

Find out more by participating in The Movement Harmony Project, Part 2: Effort Harmonies.