Boosting Wellness During the Holidays

MoveScape Center usually features Santa’s “holiday hacks” in December.  But this year the jolly old elf was too busy securing hazmat garb and making backup plans for gift delivery with Amazon to grant us an exclusive interview.

So instead, this month’s blogs will focus on great books to get and give —  reading material to help you look after yourself during this stressful period.

In selecting books, I turned to Rudolf Laban for advice about finding a healthy rhythm of exertion and recuperation.

Laban wrote that the fundamental alternation between effort and recovery can be observed in work during the day and sleep during the night.  But he also noted that “work is not exclusively effort and sleep is not exclusively recovery.” During the day, recreational and creative activities can serve recovery.  During the night, dreams and other “puzzling efforts” can impede recuperation during sleep.

Consequently, the blogs that follow feature short reviews of books on the health benefits of breathing properly, tapping the transformative power of sleep, maximizing your unique circadian rhythms, and getting your creative juices flowing during restorative recreation.