The Effort Drives

Laban identified four floating islands in the watery world of the Dynamosphere. He called these “effort drives.” These effort islands surface in the fluid continuity of movement when three motion factors cohere.

Each effort island has a unique landscape. The Action Drive island is hardscaped. Here the residents are always working, toiling, and building – never giving in to softer feelings.

The landscape of the Passion Drive island is softer, yet also rugged and threatening. Here the residents sometimes bump into each other, because they can’t be bothered to focus or pay attention to where they are going.

The Vision Drive island offers inspiring vistas. Here the residents often pop up in unexpected places, because they are not tethered to the ground but move about by floating and soaring.

The Spell Drive island is the most fascinating. The landscapes here are ethereal and/or eerie. The residents are always late, because time has no meaning.

Later this year, MoveScape Center is offering guided tours of these floating islands. Find out more.