Staying Balanced

As we near the one year anniversary of the COVID pandemic, staying healthy is on everyone’s mind. Health depends upon balance. Rudolf Laban had some interesting ideas about the role of movement in staying balanced – both physically and mentally.

Laban once characterized human movement as “living architecture.” Developing this metaphor, he wrote that “a building can hold together only if its parts have definite proportions which provide a certain balance in the midst of continual vibrations and movements taking place in the material of which it is constructed.”

In addition, “the structure of a building must endure shocks from alien sources, for instance, by the passing traffic, or by the jumping of lively inhabitants.” Similarly, the architecture of living movement must also endure shocks that come from the outside environment as well as disquieting “influences from within.”

Laban theorized both outer and inner factors that support balance and health.
Find out more in the next blogs.