Laban noted that “The European has lost the habit and capacity to pray with movement,” contrasting the sedate genuflexions of Christian worshippers with the much richer and more expressive ritual movements of other faiths and cultures.
This observation is based on his visits as a youth to see his father in the Balkans. There Laban was introduced to rituals of the “howling” Dervish by an Imam under whose protection he traveled. This experience had a lasting influence on his vision of the power of dance.
As Laban describes, “I saw to my astonishment dervishes, in a state of high ecstasy, driving long needles through their cheeks, without showing any sign of pain, or even losing a drop of blood. Afterward there was no sign of wound.”
He is led to wonder, “Were the dervishes really immune to cuts? Could dance really have such a power over man?”
Laban leaves the question unanswered. But you can see for yourself in this film: