Mastering Laban’s Mastery of Movement

Mastery of Movement is for Body and Effort what Choreutics is for Space and Shape – a comprehensive survey of these expressive elements of movement.  Moreover, the book offers tantalizing glimpses of Laban’s aesthetics and philosophy.

The first edition, published in 1950, was focused on movement for the stage, but Laban’s observations go well beyond this, addressing broader functions of movement in human life and evolution.

After the first edition went out-of-print, Laban was planning another edition, but he died before this could be completed.  Lisa Ullmann faithfully took on the task of editing, overseeing the production of three additional editions.

In the upcoming hybrid course sponsored by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, I will lead reading, discussion, and physical exploration of this classic.

Find out more in the next blogs.