Proportion, Music, Movement, and Space

Proportion plays a key role in both musical harmony and Laban’s harmonic spatial sequences.  As Laban notes, “the octave in music has the relation of 1:2 which means that the vibrations of the high octave are twice as many as the lower octave.”  Laban was intrigued by the “possibility of discovering similar relations” in the spatial pathways traced by the mover’s body.

In order to map these pathways, or “trace-forms,” Laban established geographical landmarks in the empty space surrounding the body using three Platonic Solids – the octahedron, cube, and icosahedron.

The edges, corners, and internal rays of these forms create virtual geographies of the kinesphere that are very useful for studying patterns of bodily action.

In addition, these three shapes are proportionally related and provide a harmonic basis for human movement.  Find out how in the next blog.