Celebrating Warren Lamb

This month marks the centennial of Warren Lamb’s birth and a great opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of this very creative Englishman.

After serving in the British navy during World War II, a chance meeting with Rudolf Laban altered the course of Lamb’s life.  Instead of resuming his pre-war career in banking, Lamb headed for the Art of Movement Studio in Manchester, to study dance!?  His parents were deeply dismayed….

In addition to dance classes with Lisa Ullmann and Laban, Lamb soon found himself standing for hours in steamy weaving sheds, making lots of notations of repetitive labor for the industrial studies Laban and F.C.… Read More

Feed Your Movement Imagination

Laban wanted readers of Mastery of Movement to engage both mind and body.  Besides physical exercises, he provides observation prompts to engage performers in the study of everyday behavior, along with dramatic scenarios to be enacted.

Most of Laban’s scenarios include multiple characters, and this can be a bit daunting for the person reading the book alone at home.

However, movement imagination can be stimulated through movement observation.  Mastery of Movement discusses mime as well as theatre and dance.  I have found that contemporary mime provides great examples of how a single performer can create multiple characters without saying a word.… Read More

Linking Function and Expression

Mastery of Movement extends Laban’s notion of effort beyond functional work activities to notions of “incomplete efforts” and “transformation drives.”  Laban had already explored movement expression in his own choreographies.  But his effort theories were enhanced by the work he did with students at Theatre Workshop and the Northern Theatre School, fertile training grounds for some of England’s finest actors.

“You must not think of dance as steps,” he once told a group of student actors.  “Dance is meaningful movement.  You can dance with your eyebrows. … Read More

Enhancing Mobility and Expressivity

In the Preface to Mastery of Movement, Laban states that “every sentence in this exposition is written as an incentive to personal mobility.”  He wants readers to get up out of their arm chairs and MOVE.

Consequently, the second and third chapters contain descriptions of 103 exercises for the reader to perform.  Systematic exploration of bodily movement is valuable, but 103??!

In the forthcoming hybrid course, I have organized the exercises around 8 themes to be used as a basis for improvisational prompts or choreographed sequences. … Read More

Mastering Laban’s Mastery of Movement

Mastery of Movement is for Body and Effort what Choreutics is for Space and Shape – a comprehensive survey of these expressive elements of movement.  Moreover, the book offers tantalizing glimpses of Laban’s aesthetics and philosophy.

The first edition, published in 1950, was focused on movement for the stage, but Laban’s observations go well beyond this, addressing broader functions of movement in human life and evolution.

After the first edition went out-of-print, Laban was planning another edition, but he died before this could be completed. … Read More

All the World’s a Stage

“All the world’s a stage,” Shakespeare writes, “and all the men and women merely players.”  Mabel Ellsworth Todd concurs: “The postures of dramatic tradition crystallize the theory of actors.  Guilt, craft, vision, meanness, ecstasy, and lure appear in certain arrangements of the arms, hands, shoulders, neck, and legs.”

More than poses and body attitudes, Rudolf Laban considers movement to be the basis of all the performing arts.  He devoted a whole book to extending the expressive possibilities of bodily movement and dynamic effort for stage performers.… Read More

Is LBMS a T.O.E.?

For Rudolf Laban, movement became the lens through which he could intuitively grasp the unity of all existence. This realization, however, was not enough.

He wanted to study and practice movement more closely, and this necessitated developing an objective and analytical tool known today as LBMS (Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies). Studying movement with LBMS can have profound implications.

Irmgard Bartenieff – dancer, physical therapist, dance therapist, and movement researcher – is a case in point.  Her career, in fact, her whole being was a testament to the power of movement study to unify one’s worldview.… Read More

Movement Is Everywhere

Lincoln Kirstein, co-founder of the New York City Ballet, characterized Rudolf Laban as a “Wagnerian innovator, dedicated to quasi-mystical attempts to enforce the unique supremacy of movement as movement.”  This was meant to be a criticism, but it could be viewed differently.

Laban understood that movement is everywhere.  “An unsophisticated mind has no difficulty in comprehending movement as life,” he wrote, adding, “Children and the man of primitive ages see the world through the bodily perspective, that is through physical experiences.… Read More

What Is a T.O.E.?

T.O.E. stands for Theory Of Everything – a single all-encompassing theoretical framework that is able to explain and link together all the physical aspects of the universe, from the atomic scale to galaxies.

The search for a T.O.E. has been most notable in theoretical physics, which must make do with two different explanatory schemes – general relativity to describe the cosmological structure of the universe and quantum theory to handle subatomic structures.

It would be handy to have one theory that explains the large and the small – and not only for physicists. … Read More

The Search for Wholeness

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, avant-garde European artists sought inspiration in esoteric societies and Eastern spiritual practices.  One such artist was a young painter-turned-dancer named Rudolf Laban.

While involvement with “secret societies” represented a rejection of religious and cultural values of the West for artists, occultism was also attractive because it appeared to offer a single key that would solve the mysteries of the universe.

Avant-garde artists and occultists were united by their denial of a world increasingly out-of-control due to the explosion of ideas in the social, political, and natural sciences. … Read More