Expand Your Dynamosphere

In the upcoming MoveScape Center course, “Effort Mutation,” participants explore how the eight basic actions naturally change into “vision-like,” “spell-like,” and “passionate” expressive movements.

Laban first observed the eight basic actions (Gliding, Pressing, Slashing, etc.) in functional physical labor.  From this foundation, however, Laban elaborated his effort theory to incorporate a broad range of psychophysical states and drives.

Learn how you can expand your dynamic range.  In the new MoveScape Center course, Effort Mutation,” we start with the basics and then discover how each basic action can be changed into an expressive compound of one of the other drives.… Read More

Mutations of Practical Actions

Laban first perceived effort mutation among the eight basic actions employed while working.  These changes occurred as spontaneous replacements of one effort quality with another, for example, resulting in Punching become Pressing or Floating becoming Flicking.

In studying expressive actions, Laban began to perceive how the motion factor of Flow changed an action.

For example, he writes: “When Flow replaces Weight, the drive becomes ‘vision-like’, because it is now not supported by active weight effort and is therefore reduced in bodily import.”… Read More

From Function to Expression

Laban’s notions of effort crystallized during the 1940s, through his observations of workers using tools and manipulating materials. While his perspective was that of the third person, objective observer, Laban remained aware of the other side of movement – the somatic, first person perspective.

He also saw a relation between functional and expressive actions and was convinced that the four motion factors and the eight effort qualities were always at play, regardless of the type of activity.

Yet he perceived a difference, writing “while in functional actions the movement sensation is an accompanying factor only, this becomes more prominent in expressive situations where the psychosomatic experience is of utmost importance.”… Read More

Practical Actions

Laban’s observations of the organic nature of effort mutation, in which one motion spontaneously changes to its polar opposite, occurred through his study of practical physical actions. This study led him to identify two aspects of effort – “one which is operative and objectively measurable, and the other, personal and classifiable.”

In a functional action, such as driving a nail, the mover’s focus is on an objective and measurable outcome.  Am I hitting the nail hard enough?  Is the nail going straight into the wood? … Read More

What Is “Effort Mutation?”

Laban introduces the notion of “effort mutation” in Mastery of Movement.  Discussing the basic actions (such as Punching and Floating), he writes “by taking away one element at a time and replacing it by a foreign one, the original action is mutated into another basic effort.”

For example, Punching (strong/quick/direct) can become Dabbing when the strong weight factor is replaced by a light quality.  Similarly, Punching can become Pressing when the quick time factor is replaced by a sustained quality.… Read More

Effort Patterns = Emotional and Cognitive Habits

In The Thinking Body, Mabel Ellsworth Todd observes that “behavior is rarely rational; it is habitually emotional.” She continues, “Primary muscle patterns being the biological heritage of man, man’s whole body records his emotional thinking.”

From Laban’s perspective muscle patterns are effort patterns.  And effort patterns follow organic rules of mutation, modified by individual taste and experience.

What are your habitual effort patterns?  Find out more in the MoveScape Center workshop, Effort “Mutation, beginning in October.… Read More

Transforming Basic Actions

Laban developed his effort theory by transforming the basic actions, or, we could say, by allowing them to mutate. These mutations change practical actions into emotional and intellectual expressions, linking body and mind.

In addition to the eight practical actions that compose the Action Drive, Laban identified eight analogous compounds of a more emotional nature.  He dubbed these the “Passion Drive.”  He found eight more compounds of an imaginative nature, and named these the “Vision Drive.”  Finally, he discovered eight additional Spell-binding mutations.… Read More

Embodied Cognition and Effort

Embodied cognition is a contemporary theory that breaks the dualism of body and mind by suggesting that meaning, understanding, and rationality arise from the patterns of our bodily experiences.

From the perspective of embodied cognition theorists, knowledge develops through the interactions of a human organism with its environment.  Physical action is the foundation for thinking, feeling, imagining, and other processes once believed to be purely mental operations.

This current foregrounding of bodily experience has interesting connections to Laban’s effort theories.  Find out more in the next blogs.… Read More

Basic Effort Actions

Laban’s notions of movement dynamics gained clarity through his efficiency studies of physical labor in British factories during World War II.  He had identified four motion factors – space, time, weight, and flow – earlier.  Observing working actions, however, led to the identification of eight “basic actions” – Floating/Punching, Gliding/Slashing, Dabbing/Wringing, and Flicking/Pressing.

These contrasting compounds of space, time, and weight qualities capture practical actions and interactions with material objects and serve as the foundation of Laban’s effort theories.

While the eight basic actions are obviously physical, Laban’s concept of effort is more inclusive. … Read More

Effort “Mutation”

The Corona Virus has been giving “mutation” a bad reputation.  But in its original meaning, a mutation is simply a change or transformation.

Organic transformation is what Rudolf Laban had in mind when he wrote about effort combinations “mutating.”

By replacing one quality with another, any dynamic action can be transformed.   For example, a Floating action may mutate into a Gliding motion almost spontaneously if the flexible focus is replaced by a directing quality.

Some effort transformations are easier to perform than others. … Read More