Imaginary Conversations with Rudolf Laban


In the animated film, Isle of Dogs, the director has created a fictional Japan where all the humans speak Japanese, and all the dogs speak English.  If Wes Anderson can visualize Japanese dogs who converse in English, why can’t I have an imaginary conversation with Rudolf Laban on some fantastic island?

So in the next series of blogs, I am going to visit the “Isle of Laban.”  It’s a mysterious spot, somewhere in the Mediterranean. Some days it’s visible, and some days it is not – a bit like Brigadoon.  But I’ve managed to find it, and to locate Laban there. He’s on holiday. Picture us sitting on a shady bench, overlooking a rocky shore and the blue sea.  Laban has some colored pencils – he’s sketching.

The setting is serene and quiet – just the moment I’ve been waiting for to ask some questions….