Writing Meaning in Motion

LabanI didn’t start out to write an introductory Laban Movement Analysis text.  It began as a compilation of teaching materials I’ve developed over the last three decades, teaching in Certificate Programs in New York, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Berlin, The Netherlands, and England.

As the LMA teaching community knows, we have limped along for years with copies from a hundred different sources.  And so, it made sense to turn the compilation into a proper text, primarily designed for use in university movement analysis courses.

Meaning in Motion seems to be answering a need in the field.  To date, the text has been used in courses at the Universities of Wisconsin, Madison and Milwaukee; Lesley University; State Universities of New York, Brockport and Potsdam; Utah Valley University; Pomona College; Columbia College Chicago; College of Charleston; and Hope College.

Learn more about this new resource and how it is being used in the following blogs.