Embodiment: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Vancouver Canucks VS. Calgary FlamesA wise man once observed that prayers are always answered. But what comes to you is not what you think you want, but what you embody.

Movement Pattern Analysis developed by Warren Lamb provides an objective picture of what an individual embodies and how individual patterns of movement are linked to decision-making processes.

Lamb found that all of us have a preferred pattern of taking action, and we will act in accordance with those preferences whenever we can. Power comes from understanding your preferred pattern and how to use it most effectively.

Movement Pattern Analysts never tell clients that they must try to change their movement patterns or their decision-making preferences. Ian Marks, Chief Executive of Trebor, a British company that used Movement Pattern Analysis profiles for over 25 years, summarized this perfectly. He noted, “We have found that people discover there is no good profile or bad profile once they learn their strengths and how to use those, and when they learn how to cover for their weaknesses.”

We can’t promise to answer your prayers, but we can help you understand what you embody in the Labor Day course, Embodied Decision Making.  Find out more….