Men and Women: Equal But Not Identical

In an unpublished manuscript, Warren Lamb recalled: “When I was at the Art of Movement Studio in the late 1940s Laban taught that women did light movement and men strong movements. This seemed to me at the time to be completely wrong and symptomatic of thousands of years of conditioning which set up men as ‘macho’ and women as ‘little flowers.’”

Lamb continues: “There were plenty of women, fellow students, around and my observations revealed that they did do strong movement as much and to as great a degree as men, only their strength of movement looked different; it was performed  differently from men.”

On the basis of these observations, Lamb became convinced that “anything a man can do, so can a woman and vice versa.” While men and women can do the same things, they will not do them in identical ways.

Find out more in the next blog.