The Movement Harmony Project Blasts Off

During the summer, fifteen explorers on four continents participated in MoveScape Center’s new offering – the Movement Harmony Project Part 1.  This unique correspondence course combined reading, writing, moving, and coloring as inroads to understanding the harmonic intervals of Laban’s Primary Scales.

Laban identified four Primary Scales.  These are twelve-sided “rhythmic circles” that meander peripherally around kinesphere. They are complex, counter-intuitive sequences that test the mover’s memory.  Yet Laban considered these scales to be foundational.

Part 1 of the Movement Harmony Project demonstrated how each Primary Scale can be partitioned to derive other Choreutic forms.  So participants explored not only the Primary Scales, but also the Axis Scales and Girdles, cardinal planes and planar diameters, Polar Triangles and Transverse 3-Rings, and the A and B Scales – 41 interrelated spatial sequences in all!

My aim in creating this course is to enable participants to see the “whole picture” of Choreutic relationships.  My approach combines theoretical discussion, the creation of visual representations of trace-forms, and detailed suggestions for various ways to embody these challenging spatial patterns.  There are opportunities to reflect on how different Choreutic forms feel and what they mean.

Space is not empty – it is full of meaning.  That meaning is in the body of the mover. Find out more in the next blog.