Space Harmony and Therapeutic Movement

Several years ago I drew on several space harmony sequences to facilitate my recovery from back surgery.

Naturally, prior to and following the surgery, I was in physical therapy, where most of the prescribed exercises were repetitive, two-dimensional actions.  Finally it occurred to me that I could repeat these exercises forever without being rehabilitated for movement in three-dimensions.  That is when I began to use Choreutics for movement invention.

For example, I was prescribed a series of “nerve flossing” exercises for the legs done lying supine.  Rather than let the upper body remain passive, I incorporated polar triangles leading with the arms.

I also used the peripheral Primary Scales as a gentle way to introduce three-dimensional movement.  I could trace this meandering sequence seated, leading with one arm and incorporating shaping in the torso.  This was a safe and pain-free exercise that helped me feel more confident about moving as I recovered.

Space harmony has many uses.  Find out more in “The Movement Harmony Project Part 1 – Space Harmonies” starting July 10.