The “Spaces Between”

Thanks to the corona virus, we are all thinking a lot nowadays about the “spaces between” – social distances between ourselves and others and wistful distances between where we are and where we’d like to be.

Laban also thought a lot about the “spaces between.”

It was the spaces between “signal points” in the kinesphere that were significant for Laban. He saw these as analogous to tonal intervals in music. Just as composers use tonal relationships to write melodies and chords, Laban used spatial intervals to create harmonic movement sequences.

The way Laban did this is quite ingenious. I’ve reconstructed his methods by drawing upon circles and rhythmic circles.

You, too, can penetrate Laban’s creative process by drawing and moving circles and rhythmic circles. Find out more in the next blog and the upcoming MoveScape Center course, “The Movement Harmony Project Part 1, Space Harmonies.”