The Power of Limits

In The Power of Limits the architect Gyorgy Doczi examines some of the basic pattern-forming processes that, “operating within strict limits, create limitless varieties of shapes and harmonies” in both natural and man-made objects.  For Doczi, “limitations are creative,” for the “limitless emerges from limits.”

Rudolf Laban refers to various infinities in relation to human movement, noting that “innumerable directions radiate from the centre of our body and its kinesphere into infinite space.” He writes that directions of movement “follow one another with infinite variations.” He also claims that “each bodily movement is embedded in a chain of infinite happenings.”

And yet Laban was also aware that human movement is not limitless.  And he searched for the power of limits that create the almost infinite pattern of human movement.  Find out more about those limits in the next blogs.