The Greatest Muscular Tension….

Early in my LMA Certification Program, I was stretching before class when Irmgard Bartenieff approached me.  “You must understand,” she said rather fiercely, “that the greatest muscular tension does not equal the greatest movement!”

The crystal-clear logic of the statement forever altered the way I view exercise.  As a young dancer, I somehow came to believe that pain was part of good practice.  Slowly, under Bartenieff’s tutelage, I began to understand that good practice does not necessitate tense gripping and sore muscles.

As a trained physical therapist, Bartenieff certainly understood the musculature of the body  and the need for strength and flexibility.  Yet, she could also see what was lacking in a muscle-centered approach.  This critical thinking allowed her to integrate Laban concepts such as spatial trace-forms and effort prompts into her rehabilitative work.

Find out more about this remarkable woman in the upcoming MoveScape course, Irmgard Bartenieff: In Her Own Words.”