On Bartenieff Fundamentals

Much of Irmgard Bartenieff’s reputation rests on “Bartenieff Fundamentals” – the somatic practice she evolved during her rehabilitation work with polio patients.  In my 20s, Bartenieff Fundamentals altered how I approached dance technique.  Now, as I experience conventional physical therapy in my 70s, I start to see how radical Bartenieff’s practices were, and are.

Irmgard received conventional training in physical therapy, graduating from New York University.  But early in her work with patients recovering from paralysis, she started to see limitations to existing practices.… Read More

On Irmgard Bartenieff

When I began to study with Irmgard Bartenieff in 1975, she was 75 years old.  Her age was just a number – what mattered was the depth and breadth of her many experiences.  She was an icon of possibility for her younger students, a living example of the many ways Laban-based movement analysis could be used in artistic creation, therapeutic intervention, and behavioral research.

By 1975, the Effort/Shape program at the Dance Notation Bureau had an established curriculum: theory (effort/space/shape); observation; Bartenieff Fundamentals; and seminar (a weekly reading and discussion class). … Read More

Looking Back

Named for the two-faced Roman god Janus, the wintery month of January invites both reflection and anticipation.  In a spirit of reflection, I find myself thinking about “Afterward,” a ghost story by Edith Wharton.

In this tale, a wealthy American couple purchase an old home in the English countryside, hoping it is haunted.  They are assured the house comes with a ghost – although they will only know this “long, long afterward.”

As months pass, they forget about the ghost.  Then, while the wife is working in the garden, a stranger appears, asking to see her husband. … Read More

Santa’s Global Strategy

MoveScape Center (MSC):  We’ve discussed how you stay fit, strong, and mentally sharp, Santa.  But I am sure our readers are wondering – how do you manage to deliver all those gifts around the world in just one night?

Santa Claus (SC):  It’s magic….

MSC :  No really, Santa.

SC : OK – just for MoveScape, I’ll reveal my trade secret – I’ve started partnering with Amazon.

I have their drones drop last minute gifts on rooftops around the world.  I just pop these packages in my bag when I land in my sleigh, slide down the chimney, and bingo – it’s time efficient and a lot less wear and tear on the reindeer.… Read More

How Santa Keeps His Memory Sharp

MoveScape Center (MSC):  By most calculations, Santa, you are several centuries old.  Do you experience any memory problems?

Santa Clause (SC): As a matter of fact, I have trouble keeping the darned reindeers’ names straight.  I have keep calling out to them all night long – it’s embarrassing if I make mistakes.

MSC:  How do you cope?

SC:  I look for a pattern.  Take Rudolf Laban’s Dimensional Scale:  up, down, across, open, backward, forward.  I practice it in retrograde – forward, backward, open, across, down, up – like I’m playing a musical scale in ascending then descending order.… Read More

How Santa Stays Strong

Our exclusive interview with Santa Claus continues….

MoveScape Center (MSC):  Do you face any particular physical challenges on Christmas Eve, Santa?

Santa Claus (SC):  I have to keep all those frisky reindeer in line all night long as I drive the sleigh.  This demands a lot of upper body strength, let me tell you.

MSC:  So how do you prepare?

SC:  Fortunately, Mrs. Claus got me a rowing machine last year.  I park it in my office.  During those 5 minute walks I told you about, I also throw in a few minutes on the rowing machine. … Read More

How Santa Stays Lively and Quick

Once again, Movescape Center has obtained an exclusive interview with that icon of the holidays — Santa Claus.  This year he reveals the secrets of his longevity and vitality.

MoveScape Center (MSC):  I’m sure you have heard that “sitting is the new smoking” – how do you manage to stay fit?

Santa Clause (SC):  It is true that reading all those “Dear Santa” letters and checking the Naughty and Nice list keeps me at my desk more than I like.  I embed some short bits of exercise across the day.… Read More

Experience Three Ways of Seeing

Mid-July 2025 marks the historic gathering of the dance notation and movement analysis communities at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

The 34th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation kicks off this event, with sessions running Monday, July 14 – Friday, July 18, 2025.

The inaugural Conference on Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies, organized by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) follows, beginning on Friday, July 18 through Sunday, July 20.  The first day of the conference will incorporate some joint program sessions with ICKL, including a keynote address by the celebrated American choreographer Bebe Miller and a shared social event.… Read More

Seeing Movement Dynamics

Bartenieff has written that movement dynamics are a critical component in understanding movement behavior.  As she notes, “We see not only the design of movement (its direction and timing) but by its specific dynamics we catch its meaning, its impact and expressiveness.”

Notation captures which part of the body moves, where it goes, and how long the action takes.  Space Harmony/Choreutics approaches bodily movement in space from a more theoretical position by prescribing spatial paths and sequences of whole body action.  … Read More

Seeing Spatial Patterns

Laban’s notation merely describes the spatial path of bodily actions.  In contrast, Space Harmony prescribes sequences of directional change, which Laban called “scales.”

Laban’s Choreutic scales are patterns based upon joint structure, bodily proportion, range of motion and the necessity of maintaining bipedal balance as we move through the gravitational field of our environment.

At the most basic level, Laban’s scales address orientation to space through three body axes – vertical, horizontal, and sagittal – and the motions used in attack and defense. … Read More