Movement as a Way of Knowing

The psychologist Howard Gardner once proposed a “bodily-kinesthetic intelligence,” characterized as the ability to use one’s body in highly differentiated and skilled ways.  Educator Ruth Foster addresses this intelligence even more directly: “We are in the world through our body, and the basis of knowledge lies in sensori-motor experience, the most intimate way of knowing.”

I’m sure Laban would agree with both statements.  But for him, bodily knowing goes beyond practical concerns to the transcendental realm of “gnosis.”

Gnosis (from the Greek) simply means knowledge.… Read More

Miraculous Movement

Laban noted that “The European has lost the habit and capacity to pray with movement,” contrasting the sedate genuflexions of Christian worshippers with the much richer and more expressive ritual movements of other faiths and cultures.

This observation is based on his visits as a youth to see his father in the Balkans.  There Laban was introduced to rituals of the “howling” Dervish by an Imam under whose protection he traveled. This experience had a lasting influence on his vision of the power of dance.… Read More

Movement Is Regenerative

Laban recognized that movement is a psychophysical phenomenon involving the whole person.  When Laban’s protégé the dancer Irmgard Bartenieff became a physical therapist, she incorporated this understanding in her work with polio patients.  Activate and motivate became her mantra.

“There is no such thing as pure ‘physical’ therapy or pure ‘mental’ therapy,” Bartenieff wrote.  “They are continuously interrelated.”  Finding ways to keep alive the movement impulse for hospitalized children became central to  her rehabilitative approach.

In his youthful encounter with the “howling” Dervishes, Laban witnessed an even more extreme example of the regenerative power of movement. … Read More

Movement Is Integrative

“The dancer moves,” Laban wrote, “not only from place to place, but also from mood to mood.”  Laban recognized that movement is physical and psychological, a phenomenon involving the whole human being.

Beyond this, however, Laban suggests that movement practices can serve as way to unify body, mind, and spirit.  He coined two terms for such practices – “choreutics” (addressing the movement from place to place) and “eukinetics” (delineating the movement from mood to mood).

Laban defines “choreutics” as “the art, or the science, dealing with the analysis and synthesis of movement.” … Read More

Rudolf Laban: Philosopher of Movement

Laban’s reputation rests almost entirely on his creation of two tools for the objective study of human movement:  Labanotation and Laban Movement Analysis.  While deservedly useful, these tools overshadow other dimensions of Laban’s oeuvre, notably his deep understanding of the significance of bodily movement.

Laban was a philosopher of movement.  Recognizing movement as a psychophysical and spiritual phenomenon, his study of movement extended beyond analysis to a consideration of the integrative, regenerative, and gnostic aspects of human movement experience.

Laban’s worldview is merely suggested in his writings. … Read More

Natural Shapes

For my final blog this month, I have chosen Georgia O’Keefe’s 1937 painting, “Chama River, Ghost Ranch.”  There are no human figures in this work, but there is plenty of shape!

O’Keefe reduces the landscape to a series of contours and relatively flat colored masses with few variations or shading.  The wide sweep of the river in the foreground draws the viewer’s eye up the canvas, where grassy ridges and red rock gullies descend in gentle curves to the river.

O’Keefe’s use of shape, contour, and flat masses creates a great sense of movement. … Read More

Diagonal Vitality

For my next example of shape in painting I have chosen “Nightlife” by the 20th century American painter, Archibald Motley. This painting from 1943 depicts a lively cabaret on the south side of Chicago.

To capture the exuberance of city dwellers out on the town, Motley uses strong diagonal lines, such as the line of barstools and the legs of the dancers in the foreground.  These draw the viewer deeper into the painting.

Closer examination shows that most of the drinkers, dancers, bartenders, and waiters are posed obliquely. … Read More

Verticality Emphasized

For my next artwork I have chosen “American Gothic,” by the 20th century American painter, Grant Wood.

In this work, a somber man and his daughter stand in front of an Iowa farmhouse.  It was the house that inspired the artist, while the couple are the kind of people he imagined living there.

Wood chose to pose the father and daughter in rigidly upright positions. The pitchfork the farmer holds as well as the lines in his face and shirt emphasize the vertical dimension. … Read More

Shape Qualities and Character

For my first work of art, I have chosen a print by the nineteenth century French painter, Honore Daumier. Daumier was well-known for his caricatures satirizing the behavior of his countrymen.

In his black and white drawings, Daumier uses concavities and convexities of the torso to skillfully portray characters.  His use of shape qualities captures their relationships, often in a humorous manner.

For example, in this rendering of a couple, the fellow seems to be advancing while the lady is retreating. … Read More

Moving Shapes in Art

According to Wassily Kandinsky, “Painting has two weapons at her disposal: 1) Color, 2) Form.”  With only these two weapons, a painter can convey feeling, action, atmosphere, and relationship.

While Kandinsky used this simple reduction to transform painting from representation to abstraction, artists for centuries have used color, line, and shape to depict human beings in motion.

In addition to effort, it is possible to find many elements of Laban’s spatial taxonomy in works of art. Find out more in this month’s blogs.… Read More