Body Makes Three

By the time I was studying Effort/Shape at the Dance Notation Bureau with Irmgard Bartenieff, the Laban taxonomy had a third component – Body.  This makes sense – there is no visible movement from place to place or mood to mood without the dancer.

Moreover, the integration of Bartenieff Fundamentals into the Laban canon added the essential element of functional action and connectivity to support full expressivity in Effort and Space.

So when did Shape come into its own?  Find out more in the next blog.… Read More

Laban Had Two: Choreutics and Eukinetics

According to Rudolf Laban, “The dancer moves, not only from place to place, but also from mood to mood.”  In this beautifully simple statement, he lays out the two broad domains of his movement taxonomy – Space (the movement from place to place) and Effort (the movement from mood to mood).

Laban’s protégé, Warren Lamb, later used the term Shape in place of the word “Space.”  He wrote, “Effort goes with Shape organically… These are the two components of movement.”

Lamb goes on to explain that “Some interpretations of my work make it appear that I invented the concept of Shape, but in fact Laban made it clear that this duality was the basis of his work with his definitions of Eukinetics (Effort) and Choreutics (Shape).”… Read More

Dance and Politics

During the tumultuous history of the 20th century, nations have been dissolved and created.  In the latter instance, dance has been utilized to create and to critique national identity.   In The Body of the People, Jens Richard Giersdorf examines these dual functions during the brief existence (1949-1989) of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR).

Giersdorf argues that dance in the GDR “is one of the few cases in recent times of dance being purposefully utilized for the establishment of a distinct national identity at all levels of artistic practice and social discourse.”… Read More

Dancing in Utopia

Zweig’s memoir chronicles the descent into dystopia and the multiple displacements triggered by war —  features of the life of his generation that also impacted Rudolf Laban.  Yet there is another side to the history of this period, one captured in Larraine Nicolas’s chronicle, Dancing in Utopia.

The book focuses on Dartington Hall, a rural estate in southwest England purchased by the wealthy Elmhirsts in 1925.  The couple aimed to create a community where industry and agriculture were carried out scientifically and where the arts would be available to all workers.… Read More

Laban’s Times

For an insightful look backwards, I recommend Stefan Zweig’s memoir, The World of Yesterday.  Zweig (1881-1942) was a contemporary of Rudolf Laban (1879-1958).  Both were born and educated in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and both became artists – Zweig as a popular writer in the 1920s and 1930s; Laban as a leading dancer during the same period.

In his final book, written in 1942, Zweig provides a first-person description of peaceful European culture before the first world war and the subsequent violent disruptions of the war, the rise of fascism, and the beginning of the second world war.… Read More

Back to the Future

The month of January is named after the Roman god, Janus.  Janus, the god of doors, gates, and transitions, is depicted as having two faces – one looking back and one looking forward.

This depiction calls to mind Winston Churchill’s observation:  “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Movement is evanescent, yet by now, movement study has a history, in part due to the seminal work of the 20th century polymath, Rudolf Laban.   Lest we forget this history, this month’s blogs address books that provide insight into the life, times, and career of this pioneer in the study of human movement.… Read More

Santa’s Effort Hack

Our exclusive interview with Santa Clause continues….

MoveScape Center (MSC):  It must take a lot of effort to deliver all those gifts on Christmas Eve.

Santa(S):  No kidding – I prepare all year long, by drawing on the effort ideas of Rudolf Laban.

MSC:  Tell us more!

S:  I’ve been very aware of my public image ever since the poem, “A Visit from St. Nicholas,” went viral.  There is lots of action in the poem.  So I take some of the verbs – nestle, spring, throw, dash, prance, fling, shake, twist, jerk, turn, bound – and arrange them in a short sequence.… Read More

Santa’s Chimney Hack

MoveScape Center (MSC):  I’m sure readers are eager to know how you manage to enter and leave homes through the chimney. The famous poem by Clement Clark Moore makes it sound easy.

Santa (S):  I know, but it takes more than laying a finger on the nose and nodding to get up a chimney.

MSC:  So what is your secret?

S:  I use Laban’s idea of spatial tension.  He relates diagonal pathways to mobility – I use these to hop in and out of my sleigh. … Read More

Santa’s Ups and Downs

MoveScape Center (MSC):  Delivering all those gifts in one night is an arduous task.  What is one of your biggest physical challenges?

Santa (S):  Level change.  I’m hopping out of the sleigh, zipping down the chimney, kneeling to place the gifts around the tree, then popping back up the chimney over and over again.

MSC:  What’s your secret?

S:  Bartenieff Fundamentals.

MSC:  Tell me more.

S:  Of all the somatic practices, this is the one that really supports the ability to change levels. … Read More

New Holiday Hacks from Santa

Despite his venerable age, Santa Claus remains as “lively and quick” as ever.  His labors delivering gifts on Christmas Eve put even Amazon Prime to shame. How does Santa stay fit?  Inquiring readers want to know!

Once again MoveScape Center has secured an exclusive interview with this jolly old elf.  We have asked him how he maintains his youthful vitality – and received some surprising answers.

Find out more in the next blogs.… Read More