Santa Isn’t a Couch Potato

Our interview with Santa continues…

MoveScape Center (MC):  So Clement Moore’s poem changed the way you do business. What else has changed over the years?

Santa (S):  Well, for one thing, I rely a lot more on the internet today. It’s a great way to find out who’s been naughty or nice. (Really, folks should be more careful about what they post on social media!) In addition, most children send their gift requests by email nowadays. So, like many others, I spend hours sitting in front of a computer.

MC:  Given the physical challenges you face on Christmas eve, how do you cope?

S:  My health hack is simple – I get up every hour and walk for 5 minutes. Research has shown this is better than being a weekend warrior at the fitness center.

MC:  Wow, that’s so simple.

S:  Simple, yes, but not that easy to do. I find I really have to think about it. You know, Laban was right. The best way to continue an activity and build physical stamina is to practice exertion and recuperation. I do this by breaking up sedentary labor with full body movement.

MC:  More hints, please….